Hello friends!

I have finally returned to a monthly show. I'll be playing Backyard Social in Portland once a month so let's hang out! Also I will be back to the usual mayhem this summer, so come dance with me! Many of the shows will feature the Spaghetti Pants Dance Band, so if you are into that kind of thing -- let's party!


The music was great, now I own 3 cd's and I do not own a CD player. That's how much we loved it. Thanks again.” - Alberto

— Friend of a fan, who was encouraged to come to a show by said fan...

Rockin' out is fun, and fun is good!!

Living life in Mo-Fi

Mo-Fi is all about finding the fun. What we're striving for here is joy and good times, making sure to leave plenty of room for wonder and imaginative exploration. 

Here's SOme Tunes

Enjoy these songs. Download them, then turn them up!


Lotsa lotsa shows, all the time. Pick through and find the shows with the band for extra helpings of dancing!

Previous events

Date Event Location
Mo Phillips Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland
Mo Phillips and The Electric Hamsters Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips and The Electric Hamsters Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips and The Electric Hamsters Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR Alberta St. Pub, Portland, OR
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland Mississippi Pizza Pub, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland
Mo Phillips Tabor Space, Portland Tabor Space, Portland